Friday, September 20, 2013

The World Does Not Belong To Your Kids

Okay, this post might be a little but different than most of what this blog is used for, but I saw something that sent me over the edge.  This story about a family getting kicked out of Applebee's kicked off everything.

In short, a husband and wife brought their one and three year olds into an Applebee's in Texas.  Nothing amiss so far.  After all, it's a family style restaurant, so bringing in families is encouraged, right?

During the dinner, the kids got out of control and several patrons complained.  According to reports, the manager asked them to leave, at which point the family refused.  The manager then called police to have them evicted, and the dad called police because he says he "felt threatened."  The parents say their kids are "a handful," but he feels their behavior is no different than that of other "active" kids.  Pardon me for saying that this bullshit is a big part of what's wrong with society.

As parents, our world may revolve around our kids, but that doesn't mean other people's do.  Just because we have kids, that doesn't mean we have the right to expect everyone to cater to us, nor does it give us the right to disrupt everyone else around us for the sake of our precious children.  There is nothing in this world that infuriates me more than a parent who thinks that just because they have kids, the world is obliged to give way.

First of all, it's our responsibility to control our children, especially in public.  The story says the three year old girl "got away" from the parents and started wandering around.  Sure, the dad grabbed her, but could any of you imagine your toddler even having that chance?  What did her hands touch and how many other patrons' meals did she disrupt before the dad got to her?

Second, if our children misbehave, and our corrections have no effect, then it is incumbent on us, not others around us, to fix things by leaving.  Only the arrogant presumption of today's spoiled parents lets them think, "Well, I need a night out, so everyone else bend to me."  WRONG!  Leave - don't question, don't think you're more important than the dozen of people around you, don't get pissed because the world doesn't change for you...just go.  Use it as a teaching moment for your kids about the consequences of misbehaving.  Yes, your evening will be inconvenienced.  Guess what?  You have kids, many more evenings will be inconvenienced...and they should be.  You are no longer just looking out for you - you have the responsibility to teach and correct and follow through when necessary.  If that puts you out, then don't have kids.

It was the reaction on Your World With Neil Cavuto that set me off.  Both guests were adamant that it was Applebee's that screwed up.  They kept yammering about it being a "family style restaurant" and how this is expected at places like this.  That's a load of crap.  I may not expect Sardi's in New York, but I don't expect a bunch of screaming and scampering kids to ruin my night out with my family.  We've tolerated this garbage for far too long, and it pisses me off to no end to think some folks expect us to expect this behavior.  Why should those of us who practice control have to have our nights ruined by those among us who think this free-wheeling nonsense is okay?

One of the anchors said it was a bad PR move for Applebee's.  I disagree!  Were I near this Applebee's, I'd give them my business now and thank the manager for standing up to parent bullies like this.  The backlash against this stuff has started, with more and more businesses saying "no kids allowed."  The rest of us are being sanctioned because of folks who have no concept of what it means to be a good parent, and I'm tired of it.  Until the rest of us stand up and say "ENOUGH!", this shit will continue because we allow it to continue.  It's time we stand up to fools like this and their children, and we let it be known across the land that this will no longer be tolerated.  Maybe if we let the bad parents in our midst know this is unacceptable, maybe we can reassure the rest of the world that we can regain control, but we definitely aren't doing it now, and the world is reacting.

Of course, that means we have to control and follow through as well, or we're just part of the problem.  My two cents, and now I feel better.


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