Friday, September 27, 2013


     Sorry for my absence, but we have been in the process of renovating the entire downstairs.  I would love to say that we have decided to upgrade everything and get that new stove that heats water in six seconds, but that is not the case.  We had a FLOOD!  Our kitchen sink exploded one night last June and left some serious damage behind.  Let the good times roll.........
           So there were some interesting events that occurred during the construction. Finley my one year old somehow stepped in the wood glue while the men were working and laying down the new hardwoods.  It didn't really seem like a big deal so I was like "whatever" when the man started yelling at me in Spanish.  However as Finley took a few more steps the glue on her foot stuck to everything.  Her poor little one year old foot had so much debris stuck to the bottom.  I started to scrub and Finley started to cry. Hmmmm this could be a little more serious than soap and water.  Not sure what to do at this point  I debated calling the 1800 number on the back of the glue container but what could I say?  "Hello i am the mother of a one year old and clearly I suck, so could you please help me to find a way to remove this glue from my one year old daughters foot"?  Not ever gonna happen!  So i did what every good mother does, I made my husband call.  Nobody ever thinks it is a big deal when dad screws up.  Unfortunately there was no safe remedy so we soaked and cleaned and soaked and cleaned for a couple of days.  By now there are just a couple pieces of dust that may or may not become part of her foot permanently.
   I think pictures speak much louder than words sometimes.  I will not go into detail just please know this picture was taken when the toilet was in the middle of the hallway so the bathroom could be worked on.

   I just love those crazy children, they really do make life interesting and fun, also a little messy!

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